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Design 101 Assignment 1

The inspiration behind these 3 posters was the Haiku...


Living the Good Life:

Attitude, Gratitude, Love-

Living in the now. 

- Cynthia Sageleaf 


Each poster was designed with a different brief in mind, to showcase different skills and elements within design. Check out my blog posts to find out more about my processes behind each poster.



Poster 1 - Mindfulness

Theme: Visual Representation (form and composition)

Guidelines: Create a composition using repetition, containing only geometric shape(s) and black and white colour.

Technique: Painting


Poster 1 focuses on the theme of Mindfulness. The black lines display the idea of someone breathing, as the line rises you inhale, and the line falls you exhale. The thickness of the lines increase as the person falls into a deeper breathing pattern. I designed this in hope that as someone looks at the design they follow the lines with their eyes breathing in and out, bringing mindfulness into their life.  The circle displays fullness, and the idea of being in the moment, as there is no end and no beginning. I chose to use the technique of painting, due to its theraupeautic qualities. I was inspired by Gestalts principles of grouping, incorporating closure and continuity into my design, to create drama and more of an impact. I found using the principle of continuity your eye begins to follow the lines, as well as to show the continuousness of breathing. This also resulted in repetition, which is what breathing really is, breathing in and out over and over again. I hope that my design reminds someone today to focus on their breathing and be mindful.

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